Radical Forgiveness

It’s almost impossible to get through the day without something disturbing your peace of mind:

A conflict with a friend, family member or co-worker
A troubling political event or news story
A painful memory that interrupts your enjoyment of the present moment

What can you do about it?

If we’re lucky, we have a friend who can accept us where we are, talk us down from the ledge and help us to get grounded in the truth again. If we’re really lucky, that friend is us, ourselves. Radical Forgiveness puts the power in your hands. You work at the pace that's comfortable for you and you decide what feels right. It's the most empowering path I've ever found.

Radical Forgiveness has the potential to help us see the events of our lives in a different context, and to discover that we have choices about the way we are interpreting our own life story.

This, in turn, can create powerful shifts at the level of both personal development and community enrichment.

Kate Cronan Sawert,
Radical Forgiveness Coach and Ceremony Facilitator

Kate Cronan-Sawert


Created by Colin Tipping, author of Radical Forgiveness; Making Room for the Miracle


Spiritual Philosophy:  Radical Forgiveness references no particular religion and excludes none, but it does require at least a belief in a Higher Power or Higher Intelligence and the idea of a spiritual reality beyond our own physical world.

Applied Technology:  Any number of self-help programs stress the importance of forgiveness, but where do you begin?  Radical Forgiveness is an effective, fast, easy-to-use technology that you can put to work immediately for quick results.

Systematic Program:  While traditional forgiveness might seem to require the patience of a saint, Radical Forgiveness is accessible to anyone who will entertain the least bit of willingness to shift their perspective for greater peace of mind.

Reproducible Results:  Radical Forgiveness has been taken around the world to help people from highly divergent walks of life find greater happiness, resolve apparent problems and improve relationships.


Willingness:  The secret ingredient to Radical Forgiveness!  You don’t have to wait until you feel ready, or force yourself to “believe” in anything that doesn’t feel right to you.

Tools:  The hands-on, step-by-step tools of Radical Forgiveness distinguish it from other approaches. You can do long division in your head, but a calculator makes it much easier!


Call Katie Cronan-Sawert, Radical Forgiveness Coach and Ceremony Facilitator, at (212) 947-7039. Or email katiecs@attglobal.net.


